Huang, C. K., & Lin, T. B. (2022). The Impacts and Implications of International Practicum on International Literacy and Teaching Profession: A Case Study of X University. Journal of Teacher Education and Professional Development, 15(3), 25-50. DOI: 10.53106/207136492022121503002 (in Chinese) |
Huang, C. K. (2022). A Study on Australian Higher Education Reform Facing with the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic: Taking the Job-Ready Graduates Package as an Example. Journal of Comparative Education, 93, 29-56. DOI: 10.53106/160957582022110093002 (in Chinese) |
Huang, C. K., Lin, Y. Y., & Chen, Q. Z. (2022). An Analysis of the Faculty's Compensation Package and Part-Time Employment Policies: The Global Competitive Advantage of Higher Education in Singaporean and South Korean Universities. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 67(2), 33-61. DOI: (in Chinese) |
Huang, C. K., & Lin, T. B. (2022). The Challenges and Recommended Solutions of Bilingual Teacher Training. Taiwan Educational Review Monthly, 11(8), 1-5. (in Chinese) |
Fang, T., Wang, L. Y., Lin, T. B., & Huang, C. K. (2022). To stay or leave: a multiple-case study of the retention of native English-speaking teachers in Taiwan. Asia Pacific Education Review, 23, 325–340. DOI: |
Lin, T. B., & Huang, C. K. (2021). Taiwanese Higher Education in Times of Change: The Implications of the New Policy 2018. International Journal of Taiwan Studies, 5(1), 19-41. DOI: |
Huang, C. K. (2021). Toward a Bilingual Nation in 2030: A Policy Sociology Perspective. Secondary Education, 72(1), 32-47. DOI: 10.6249/SE.202103_72(1).0003 (in Chinese) |
Lin, T. B., Luo, C. Y., & Huang, C. K. (2021). Foundation for Exploration Improvement: Teaching Innovation for Courses on Educational Research Methods. Journal of Teaching Practice and Pedagogical Innovation, 4(1), 1-44. DOI: 10.3966/261654492021030401001 (in Chinese) |
Huang, C. K., & Lin, T. B. (2020). Exploring the World: A Study of Pre-service Teachers' International Practicum in National Taiwan Normal University. Secondary Education, 71(2), 40-65. DOI: 10.6249/SE.202006_71(2).0012 (in Chinese) |
Lin, T. B., & Huang, C. K. (2020). Reflecting bilingual education: Examining the Taiwanese policies and implementation from the bilingual experience of Singapore. Journal of Taiwan Education, 721, 1-12. (in Chinese) |
Huang, C. K. (2018). A Study on Higher Education Policies for Indigenous Residents in Taiwan. Journal of Educational Research and Development, 14(3), 33-64. DOI: 10.3966/181665042018091403002 (in Chinese) |
Lin, T. B., & Huang, C. K. (2018). The Practice of Promoting Curriculum Leadership: A Case Study of Cultivating Curriculum Leaders in Schools Programme. Journal of Education Policy and Management, 3, 95-117. DOI: 10.3966/251889252018100003004 (in Chinese) |
Wang, R. J., Chan, Y., Liu, H. H., Chang, C. W., & Huang, C. K. (2014). Policy Analysis and Development of Talent Cultivation for Economically Disadvantaged Students in Taiwan. Taiwan Economic Forum, 12(2), 61-83. (in Chinese) |
Chan, Y., Yang, K. S., Liu, H. H., & Huang, C. K. (2014). An Analysis of the Meta-evaluation Studies of University Institutional Evaluation in 2011 in Taiwan. Higher Education Evaluation and Development, 8(1), 1-40. DOI:10.3966/231225522014080801001 (in Chinese) |
Huang, C. K. (2014). Implications of the Canadian education savings account system on the issue of university tuition fees in Taiwan. Taiwan Educational Review Monthly, 3(5), 58-61. (in Chinese) |
Chan, Y., Huang, C. K., & Ma, F. F. (2013). A Study on Policy Reform of Higher Education Tuition Fees and Financial Support or Assistance Schemes for Students in the United Kingdom. Journal of Comparative Education, 75, 1-47. DOI: 10.3966/160957582013110075001 (in Chinese) |
Liu, H. H., & Huang, C. K. (2012). A Survey on Equity Issues of Higher Education in Taiwan。Higher Education, 7(1),1-38. DOI: 10.3966/199254762012060701001 (in Chinese) |
Chan, Y., Yang, K. S., Huang, C. K., & Hsu, T. R. (2014). A Study of the Meta-evaluation of University Program Evaluation between 2007 and 2009-An Analysis of University Faculties' Perspectives. Higher Educattion Evaluation and Development, 1-40. DOI: (in Chinese) |
Chan, Y., Yang, K. S., Liu, H. H., & Huang, C. K. (2012). Examining the Education Equity Reality after Higher Education Expansion in Taiwan. Higher Education, 7(12), 1-35. DOI: 10.3966/199254762012120702001 (in Chinese) |
Hou, H. I., & Huang, C. K. (2012). An Analysis of Taiwanese Aboriginal Students’ Educational Aspirations. Higher Education Studies, 2(2), 79-99. DOI:10.5539/hes.v2n2p79 |
Liu, H. H., & Huang, C. K. (2011). The Manpower Utilization of College Graduates after Higher Educational Expansion in Taiwan. Journal of Educational Research and Development, 7(3), 153-179。 (in Chinese) |
Chan, Y., Yang, K. S., Huang, C. K., & Hsu, T. R. (2011). A Study on the Quality and Quantity of Higher Education in Taiwan: The Teachers' Perspectives. Higher Education, 6(1), 1-44. (in Chinese) |